82,000 AZ Vaccines from Canada Arrive in T&T

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE 82,000 plus AstraZeneca vaccines promised by the Canadian Government have arrived in Trinidad and Tobago.

The cargo  consisting of 82,030 vaccines arrived at 3.33pm on Thursday and Minister of Foreign and CARCICOM Affairs Dr Amery Browne, Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh and Canadian High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago Sharad Kumar Gupta were present to collect the. Browne posted video footage of the vaccine arrival to his Facebook page.

Canada’s International Development Minister Karina Gould said in a release on Wednesday that Trinidad and Tobago was selected to receive the excess doses that had already arrived in Canada based on need and the country’s capacity to deploy them immediately.

On June 25, Pundit Vijay Persad Seetahal, a Trinidadian living in Canada, had written to Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister of Public Service and Procurement Anita Anand requesting that some of the vaccines be allocated to T&T.

Persad Seetahal has been directly informed of the gesture by the relevant Canadian ministry.

He told AZPNews.com that he was pleased that his plea was acted upon and he will also continue to press for the distribution of the Pfizer vaccine for the country.

See related story below:

T&T to Get 82,000 AZ Covid-19 Vaccines from Canada


Pundit asks Canada PM to Donate Covid-19 Vaccines to T&T



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