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Commentary: We Must Hold the Government Accountable

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By Neil Gosine

AS the sight of desperation and hopelessness circulate throughout the country, it seems that the government just does not get it.

They just do not understand the situation and crisis facing citizens to make ends meet at this time.

There is no more time to waste, we have to let our voices be heard to let the government know they must do better.

We must make our recommendations and our suggestions as well as call on the government to take appropriate action to recognise we are in a crisis and take steps to mitigate the fallout on our population.

The mismanagement of the Covid-19 pandemic as it affects citizen lives and their livelihoods is appalling. It has cause major shockwaves across our nation where thousands of citizens are seen stretched as far as the eye can see, lined up for food hampers in the hot sun only to be turned away by the authorities for poor public social distancing.

The members of the government seem to be derelict in their duties so far in taking decisive action to secure proper resources for our population that are suffering and to alleviate their suffering from the lockdown implemented for the last 16 months.

No member of cabinet under Dr Keith Rowley’s administration is willing to take responsibility for the economic fallout, the loss of jobs, the loss of citizens’ homes and for our children not being able to access a primary education under this virtual teaching method adopted by all schools.

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

We cannot survive much longer unless the powers that be put something in place to offer state assistance to our citizens who cannot cope with the harsh Covid-19 restrictions in place now.

Already the truckers and the taxi drivers’ associations have started to launch protests to highlight their plight and apply pressure to the government to open back the sectors so they can survive.

The government has done a poor job to ensure basic necessities for citizens under the pandemic restrictions.

That’s why the opposition and the average citizen are clamoring for the government to expand the utilities relief programme and many other relief programmes like food and salary grants that are not reaching the people who really need to access them.

The salary relief grant and the food support grant have been utterly mishandled with accusations of corruption, fraud and curry favor.

Our resources cannot be distributed along party lines as we are all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. The time has long passed where the government cannot be playing with people’s lives no matter which party they supported during the last general elections.

The prime minister as well as the government must act now in the interest of all citizens suffering in all sectors – construction, supermarkets, restaurant, hospitality, transportation, farming, businesses etc – to offer state assistance fairly and equitably as the big bad wolf is here at our door steps, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and when it bites, no member  parliament under current administration will take responsibility for the economic disaster that is looming.

We cannot let up and just let them do what they want, we must hold them accountable, to do better or we are doomed to face more of the same mismanagement, inefficiency and incompetence we have seen so far in the past six years.

Neil Gosine is an insurance executive, the North East Regional Coordinator of the United National Congress and a former chairman of NP. The comments and opinions expressed by him in this column are not necessarily those of, a division of Complete Image Limited.


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