TWO employees of the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) have contracted Covid-19.
This was confirmed by the commission in a press release issued on Wednesday.
T&TEC stated that the two employees attached to its Northern Area tested positive for the virus on March 29 and April 2.
T&TEC stated, “Upon receipt of the information, T&TEC applied its standard protocols and conducted the necessary contact tracing which resulted in the affected employees being asked to self-isolate. Also in keeping with its standard protocols, the respective work areas were thoroughly sanitised.”
T&TEC also stated that it met with the Oilfield Workers’ Trade Union (OWTU) to update the union about the measures taken and the OWTU also had “worthwhile recommendations” which Management was considering.
The Commission stated that the Ministry of Health’s guidelines continued to be reinforced and last December had issued a Covid-19 Employee Handbook to all employees.
“Management remains committed to the safety of its employees and customers and will continue to do all that is possible to minimise the spread of the virus.”