$94K Forfeited by Police: First Female Suspect

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MORE than $94,000 in cash have been forfeited by the Financial Investigations Branch (FIB) of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS). 

The TTPS reported on Tuesday that in the first matter, under the Proceeds of Crime Act, FIB officers seized the sum of $20,600 from a female suspect in June 2017 and investigations conducted into the legitimacy of the cash.  


In June 2019, an application for a forfeiture order was filed by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in accordance with Section 39 of the Proceeds of Crime Act with respect to the seized cash.  

On Monday, Magistrate Adrian Damanie ordered the sum of money inclusive of all interest accrued be forfeited to the State.  

In the second incident, in November 2019, cash in the sum of $73,522, was seized from a male suspect and an investigation launched. 


In November 2021, an application for a forfeiture order was filed by the Office of the DPP with respect to the seized cash.  

Also on Monday, Magistrate Darmanie ordered that sum of money inclusive of all interest accrued be forfeited to the State.  

Additionally, a Debe man was arrested in connection with money laundering by officers of the FIB following investigations into the seizure of a large quantity of pharmaceuticals and quantities of US and TT currency found at his home.  

In September 2022, officers of the FIB and the Customs and Excise Division received information about pharmaceuticals being smuggled out of Queen’s Wharf, Port of Spain and investigations launched.  

A male suspect’s home was searched on Monday  and a quantity of pharmaceuticals and cash suspected to be linked to the sale of the said pharmaceuticals were discovered, police reported. 


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