35 Vie for Positions in UNC

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THIRTY-FIVE validly nominated candidates will be contesting the United National Congress (UNC) internal elections this month. 

The party’s Chairman of the Elections Management Committee Darrell Allahar issued a release on Monday announcing the candidates for the election scheduled to be held on June 15. 


The two major teams contesting the election are the STAR team led by incumbent political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the United Patriots team led by Mayaro MP Rushton Paray. 

Robert Amar is the lone independent candidate in this election. He is contesting for one of the three deputy political leader positions.

Allahar also announced that the Final Voters’ Lists for each constituency for the National Executive elections may be inspected by any member of the party at the UNC head office located at 31 Mulchan Seuchan Road, Chaguanas from June 3 to June 14  between the hours of 9 am to 4 pm. 

He stated in a media release, “Members are not allowed to obtain copies of the Final Voters’ Lists (whether hard copies or electronic copies) to protect the privacy of and consistent with the duty of confidentiality to all members of the party. No mobile phones or devices shall be allowed during inspection of the lists.” 

Hard copies of the Final Voters’ Lists for each constituency will be made available to each validly nominated candidate at a cost of $500 at the UNC head office, during the same inspection period. 


“Every candidate purchasing copies of the Final Voters’ Lists must first agree in writing to use such information only for the purposes of his/her campaign, not to place such information in the public domain and to otherwise keep such information confidential, so as to protect the privacy of all members of the party,” Allahar advised. 

Allahar said that it was the responsibility of all members to check the Final Voters’ Lists for their names and the constituency they shall be voting in. Members whose names do not appear on the Final Voters’ Lists shall not be eligible to vote, he stated. 

A similar advisory was also issued for the issuance and inspection of the List for Special Voters. 


The Lists of Special Voters for each constituency for the elections may be inspected by any member of the party also at the UNC Head Office from June 3 to June 11 between the hours of 9 am to 4 pm. 

Only members whose names appear on the Lists of Special Voters shall be eligible to vote as Special Voters on June 12.  

Special Voters will not be entitled to vote on the June 15 election date, Allahar stated. 


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