Police Motorcyclist Dies in Freak Accident

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EL SOCORRO – A police motorcycle officer who finished his duties for the day died on his way to the office early on Saturday morning.

Reports stated that PC Leon Ramsay hit a pedestrian underneath the El Socorro walkover along the east bound lane of the Churchill Roosevelt Highway around 3 a.m. on Saturday and was thrown from his bike.

As he lay on the road, a vehicle ran over Ramsay and did not stop. Police are still looking for the driver of that vehicle.


Ramsay was being accompanied by PC Clarke, also of the motorcycle unit. Clarke lost control of his bike during the incident and he is currently warded in critical condition at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex in Mt Hope. The pedestrian who Ramsay hit also died at the scene.

Any­one with in­for­ma­tion about the ac­ci­dent is asked to call 800- TIPS or con­tact the po­lice at 555, 999, 911 or at any po­lice sta­tion, text/What­sApp 482-GARY(4279) or share in­for­ma­tion via the TTPS App.


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