Young’s Elite Political Entitlement

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THE appointment again of Stuart Young as acting prime minister so soon after his derogatory remarks in Parliament, with the use of the term “zamie” with its homophobic and sexist connotations, raises not just ethical concerns but also elite political entitlement.

It implies a larger issue within the leadership of the current administration—namely, that Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley seems not to care about the public outcry and the values of decency expected from his high office.

By moving forward with Young’s appointment without addressing these concerns, Rowley sends a message that he is undisturbed by the minister’s Young behavior, pushing his own agenda where loyalty trumps anything over accountability.

This appointment is Rowley’s way of signalling that Stuart Young is his favoured candidate to eventually succeed him as prime minister, and that he is willing to overlook Young’s contentious actions. These actions suggest that Rowley doesn’t care what the public, the opposition, or even members of his own party think about the derogatory remarks. In my opinion it’s definite endorsement of Young’s position in the future and as long as Young remains loyal and competent in Rowley’s eyes, his actions no matter how offensive or inappropriate are inconsequential.

Such a stance not only weakens the prime minister’s credibility but also shows he’s not concern with public opinion in the administration. Again this leader is only concerned with his agenda and protecting his inner circle regardless of public or ethical scrutiny.

With this attitude, it gives the perception that his government is totally disconnected from the concerns of ordinary citizens, particularly marginalised groups. Rowley’s apparent lack of concern to this controversy suggests a dictatorship culture where loyalty are prioritised over accountability and respect for diverse communities.

Dr Rowley doesn’t seem concerned that it may alienate voters, eat away the moral authority of the office, and weaken public confidence in his leadership at a time when a general election is looming on the horizon.

Stuart Young stepping into the role of the acting prime minister, Dr Rowley appears to be sending the message that personal nepotism outweighs public perception or anyone’s concerns.

This is why we need to see a change in the administration, the sheer disregard of common decency is not his concern. The whole nation calls for the political future of this administration to change from the autocratic leadership rule of one man’s iron fist. 

Neil Gosine is an insurance executive, sometimes a temporary Opposition Senator, an ex-treasurer of the UNC and a former chairman of the National Petroleum Marketing Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NP). He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration, a Master’s in Business Administration MBA, BSC in Mathematics and a BA in Administrative Studies. The views and comments expressed in this column are not necessarily those of AZP News, a Division of Complete Image Limited

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