Xtra Food Employees Test Positive For Covid-19

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FOLLOWING posts on social media, Xtra Foods confirms that some of its employees have tested positive for Covid-19.

In a release on Friday it stated, “In light of current information that has been circulating on social media, we wish to emphasise that employees of supermarkets, banks, health providers, protective services and all other essential services that need to be open at this time, are not immune to contracting the Covid-19 virus.”

It stated, “While we can confirm that we recently had positive coronavirus cases among employees at Xtra Foods, immediate action was taken to address these cases and we continue to follow and be guided by Ministry of Health protocol.”

The grocery stated that it was committed to a high level of communication and transparency.

It stated that protocols have been followed regarding its customers and employees.

The release stated that once an employee was unwell and suspected to have Covid-19 symptoms, he is immediately ordered to stop work and get tested.

It stated, “If test result is positive, the employee is required to immediately follow quarantine protocol as prescribed by relevant medical institution/ health care professional and Ministry of Health.”



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