‘We are more than mothers, homemakers, wives. We are technical, intelligent, career-oriented and contribute as significantly to the workplace and society as our male counterparts. We deserve respect and to be heard.’
By Sue-Ann Wayow
INTERNATIONAL Women’s Day is always a day for women to be reminded of their invaluable worth.
Organisations use the opportunity to make a national and global call for protection and provision for women who have been viewed in medieval and ancient history as “the weaker sex”.
However, the 21st-Century woman is challenging all traditional perceptions that women are not capable of doing the same things men can.
Several women shared their thoughts on IWD and this year’s theme entitled “Break the Bias.”
They also shared encouraging words of upliftment and advice to each other.
Sarah, 33, said, “We are more than mothers, homemakers, wives, we are technical, intelligent, career-oriented and contribute as significantly to the workplace and society as our male counterparts. We deserve respect and to be heard.”
Natalie Alexander Sylvester, 40, from Corinth Hills, San Fernando said, “Women need unity. So many things we allow to divide us, men, jobs, jealousy and the list goes on. Women need to put the pettiness aside and stand together for respect and justice. We need to find ways to become our sisters’ keepers. We need to stop turning a blind eye, especially for violence.”

Love all of you
Another woman from Corinth Hills had two sets of advice.
She said, “Firstly don’t let anyone steal your joy. Every morning, look at yourself in the mirror and love all of you whether thin or fat, light or dark-skinned, professional or not. Keep telling yourself you are beautiful and you serve a purpose. Your happiness depends on you. “
She continued, “Secondly do not stay in a toxic relationship where you are not appreciated. You are not a doormat or a punching bag. Words are also just as hurtful as blows. You need to get out and start over. Yes, it will be hard but keep the faith and trust in God.”
One woman from La Romaine said while women were seen as superheroes, managing all affairs there can be a breaking point.
“Now more than ever, women have been seen with depression and anxiety and low self-esteem. Needing a man or even society to validate them and make them feel worthy or even beautiful. We are told to be comfortable with ourselves and in our own skin. Are we really? Does it really work? It may take years of life’s experience and a mature type of wisdom to achieve that and still you may not have it nailed down.”
While women may not want to appear selfish, self-care and self perseveration were important.
She said, “As women with all the seemingly pressures, we are still a special species. Hats off to all women who have done themselves, their family, their society and their associates proud. Make you be always blessed as you forge ahead to ‘break the bias’.
Educate and elevate
Cindy Ali from Gasparillo told AZPNews.com, “Women need to be safe, firstly. They need to have a fair chance at education, be treated fairly at work, to be taken seriously, to be celebrated for their achievements, and also to simply be offered help. My advice to women: Don’t give up on your dreams, trust God to make a way for you no matter how dark it has become. Don’t trust many people also and be proud if you are educated.”
From Chaguanas, business consultant and industrial relations practitioner, Davica Thomas said gender inequality has catastrophically contributed to the present state of society.
“This pervading uncalled and silent injustice has prevented many a good woman from being allowed to fully participate, disallowing her from being able to grasp her own full potential in today’s society. Women promoting other women should be our “hymn, our silent code of conduct” among our sisterhood in all facets of life.”
Thomas, 54, told women, “You can be a leader by simply allowing and promoting other women to be the leader we would all want our own children to emulate in today’s world.”
Charmaine Edwards, owner of Better Life Ostomy Care in Caroni encourages women to always be independent, upgrade their educational status and elevate themselves.
She further advises, “Have self-respect by the way you dress, speak and conduct yourself at home and outside so people will respect you. Do not bring yourself to meet others’ standards and degrade your values and morals. Do not listen to negative people because they don’t want good for you. Set your own goals of upliftment and stay with them. Any man who asks less of who you have no good intentions for you.

And Pulwaty Beepath, president of the Tobago Hindu Society said, “Women have many roles in society. Women are the ones to keep the family together and make the community stronger.”
She encourages, “Be positive, rise above negativity, be focused strong, determine, caring and loving to everyone.”