Why are Cement Prices Up?

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THERE are to be new opening hours and arrangements  for hardware stores as the doors on construction still remain locked.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley said more details should be issued by Saturday night as the construction sector remains closed.

This was the only policy change announced as the country continues in its State  of Emergency.

Dr Rowley was speaking during his media briefing on Saturday.

He said days may be rotated especially to accommodate persons who may be seeking emergency supplies and a shift system would be implemented.

The Prime Minister also asked about the high price of cement.

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

Dr Rowley asked, “With construction closed and cement available in the warehouse, not being utilised in construction, I would like somebody to explain to me, what is the driving force for the increase in the price of cement?”

He said some people were just “leeches” and were “trying to dig out your eye in a pandemic.”

“It is not right and it is simply taken advantage of a bad situation,” Dr Rowley said.

He said the Trinidad Cement Limited (TCL) has been given an exemption to continue its business including export  so there was no shortage of cement in the country.


Dr Rowley said, “I have no understanding as to what has gone on to incur cost off any supplier of cement with a result warranting an increase in the price of cement.”

He asked the public to inquire from hardware owners when they do go to purchase cement as to why the price was high.


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