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" All the News you need from A to Z "

What will 2025 Bring?

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AZP News Commentary

Alicia Chamely
By Alicia Chamely

Hallelu-yer! Hallelu-yer! The Christmas insanity hath cometh to an end, giving us all a few numb days to decompress and retrieve the scraps of sanity that have been scattered around like the foil tinsel everyone’s granny had strewn over their Christmas trees.

Between now and the 31st, we find ourselves in a limbo of sorts. The days go numberless, blurring into one another, as we await the start of the new year.

I have always found it odd that humans take so much stock in the changing years. The same problems we had in December do not magically evaporate come 1st January. We aren’t automatically given a clean slate, free of our shortcomings or sins of the previous year. Our memories and emotions pertaining to events in 2024, will not change or retreat into some dissociative black hole of our psyche come midnight.

With this in mind, new year’s resolutions never made much sense to me either. Is it that you are going to wake up on the 1st of January 2025, take your semi-expired vitamins you bought in March, hop on that treadmill that’s been collecting dust for the last year, and miraculously find all the motivation in the universe to be a more active, social, healthier, hustle minded, emotionally mindful, superhuman?

Normally, the only resolution I make, then quickly forget, is never to drink copious amounts of prosecco and make inappropriate jokes at the most inappropriate times.

I came, I saw, I made it awkward… sort of my life motto.

That being said, 2025 will be a year that brings with it changes that will affect us on a national level, because it’s General Election Year!! Wooo!?

A bell will ring, promises will be made, accusations will be thrown and many of us will find ourselves with stained fingers or defiant stances.

Going on what I have observed over the past couple of months, it is going to be an especially dirty fight, and we the people have already been targeted to act as pawns in battle between red and yellow.

As it stands division appears to be the current tactic at play, soon it will be misinformation, we will be asked to either “get rid of the wicked PNM at all costs” or “ensure the UNC never see’s the inside of the Treasury again.” And people will buy into it.

Unfortunately, there will be those whose vote is cast based on race, based on “what they could get,” based on nine-day memory and based on manipulated or incomplete information fed to them.

Folks, this upcoming year is going to be a nasty one. Divisive toxicity and rage will be pumped into the air. I urge you not to inhale too deeply. Not to get caught up in the “us versus them”, the “lesser of two evils” narrative that will be pushed at us.

Twenty twenty-five doesn’t have to be a cutthroat year. All we have to do is respect one another’s choices, respect one another’s positions in society, empathise with one another, remember we are Trinbagonians no matter our religion or ethnicity.

I urge you to base your choices on policy, not bacchanal. To read beyond the headlines. Demand better, not just for you, but for your country.

I may not believe in the whole concept of “new year new me” but I do believe that if we put our minds to it, put aside our bitterness, block out the hate and focus on the priorities, we can make this election year and years to come one  of peace, one of respect and one in which we refuse to be bought and sold by political parties.


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