FORECAST: Partly cloudy periods with light or moderate showers in a few areas will interrupt generally sunny conditions. There is a 60% to 70% (medium-high) chance of heavy showers or isolated thunderstorms favoring parts of Trinidad.
Night will be partly cloudy with one or two showers in a few areas.
Caution: Gusty winds and street/flash flooding may occur in the event of heavy showers or thunderstorms.
Maximum Temperature:
Piarco: 33° C Crown Point 32° C
Sunrise: 5.54am Sunset: 5.57pm
Seas are moderate with waves up to 1.5 metres to two metres in the Leewards in open waters and below one metre; choppy in the Leewards in sheltered areas.
High tide: 10.48am, 9.29pm
Low tide: 3.59am, 2.54pm
High tide: 12.05am, 9.57pm
Low tide: 4.20am, 3.19pm
*Information Courtesy Trinidad and Tobago Metrological Service