United Patriots wants to Remove Kamla

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE United Patriots (UP) led by Mayaro MP Rushton Paray wants to remove political leader of the United National Congress (UNC) Kamla Persad-Bissessar from the party’s helm. 

This is the claim being made by Member of Parliament for Barataria/San Juan Saddam Hosein. 

Hosein is contesting the UNC internal election under Persad-Bissessar’s STAR team slate. 


Speaking at a STAR team meeting at Signature Hall in Chaguanas on Monday night, Hosein claimed that the other slate has been undermining the party with the intention of a hijack. 

He said, “I am seeing this poster being circulated that they are saying that if they take charge of the national executive, they are going to call a national congress for the position of the political leader to be up for elections.” 


Stating that three members of the UP team were contesting the post of deputy political leaders, Hosein mentioned the UNC constitution. 

“Article 28 of the UNC Constitution says that the Deputy Political Leader constitutional duty is to assist the political leader not get rid of she… They are trying to undermine the current executive” he said. 

The MP warned supporters, “Do not allow anyone to hijack the party that you have worked so hard for.” 

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Taking a jab UP’s symbol of praying hands, Hosein said, “When you pray, you must pray with clean hands.” 

Also speaking on Monday, apart from Persad-Bissessar and Hosein, were Member of Parliament for St.Augustine Khadijah Ameen, former senator Sean Sobers and Member of Parliament for Chaguanas East Vandana Mohit. 


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