UNC Rejects Khan’s Motion

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE motion filed by United National Congress (UNC) members Dr Fuad Khan and Ramona Ramdial to have more inclusion of ex-performing members on the party’s National Executive has been rejected.

In a letter by UNC’s general secretary Peter Kanhai to Ramdial on Thursday, Kanhai stated the motion does not qualify to be raised. 

He  reminded  Dr Khan and Ramdial that they were “both soundly rejected by the UNC membership” in the internal elections last year.

Kanhai also reminded them that current leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar also had to win her position as political leader defeating then leader Basdeo Panday in 2010 in the internal election and has since then retained the overwhelming majority of votes from the UNC’s membership.

Kanhai wrote, “The political leader, Natex and the UNC membership have unequivocally rejected the politics of caste, class, family connections, segregation, discrimination and dynasty. We are committed to promoting the children of the rank and file UNC membership who have educated and qualified themselves the next generation of leaders.”


He also stated, “Please be informed that the political leader and members of the Natex have been actively engaging many members of all the groups mentioned in your correspondence. Further active discussions are also occurring with other political entities, members of civil society, business groups and non-aligned individuals.”

The letter stated that the UNC welcomed all to work with the party to improve the lives of citizens.

He encouraged them to contact their constituency executives, local government representatives and MPs for updated information on the party’s activities and outreach.

Kanhai also invited them to follow the UNC’s social media pages and website if they were unable to make contact with the relevant party personnel.


He ended the letter by stating, “We assure you both that the political leader, Natex and UNC membership have your best interest at heart. We hope you can eventually work with us to promote a new generation of UNC leaders.”

The motion had stated that failure to have a plan to include previous experienced members should result in an internal election emphasising that the post of political leader would be not be contested.

Since the motion was filed, several UNC members have spoken out in support of Persad-Bissessar and the current leadership team.


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