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UNC MP wants List of Suppliers for CARICOM 50th Anniversary

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE opposition is demanding detailed information from government relating to the procurement of goods and services for the 50th anniversary of CARICOM celebrations held recently.

On Sunday, Member of Parliament for Oropouche East Dr Roodal Moonilal called on Finance Minister Colm Imbert to list suppliers for the event.

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He was speaking at the Opposition press briefing.

Dr Moonilal said, “This morning, we demand that Minister of Finance  Imbert release a list of the suppliers who have supplied all goods and services for the CARICOM 50th anniversary events of that week. We demand to know what goods and services were supplied at what prices and whether any of these providers of goods and services are also providers to the People’s National Movement.”

His call comes even as Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has admitted that there was a flaw in the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act and has called for Parliament to meet on Wednesday to discuss the error.

Dr Moonilal  also called on Independent Senators to stand strong on the matter “in the interest of democracy.”

Additionally, Attorney General Reginald Armour and Finance Minister Colm Imbert have until 4 pm on Monday to respond to two pre-action protocol letters issued by Freedom Law Chambers relating to two legal notices – Legal Notice No. 206 of 2023 and Notice No. 164 of 2023.


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