UNC: Government Still Clueless after 1 Year of Covid-19

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ONE year has passed since Trinidad and Tobago recorded its first Covid-19 case and the Government is still clueless as to when borders will be opened up.

And the country still lacks the required vaccines and the economy continues to suffer.

This is according to the United National Congress (UNC) in a statement on Friday adding that Health Minister was “delusional” when it came to the management of Covid-19.

The UNC stated, “Falling embarrassingly behind our CARICOM neighbours in obtaining vaccines, the Government is forced to make a big pappy show of receiving a small gift of 2,000 doses from our smaller neighbour Barbados.

“This does nothing except provide a handful of photo ops, while leaving 99.99% of the population unprotected, and our country potentially shut out of the re-emerging world economy.

“As the lockdown continues, hundreds of businesses have closed their doors, thousands of workers have been laid off, our foreign exchange and savings are running down to zero, our children are losing out in their education, and our social and family lives wither away,” the UNC stated.

The UNC stated, “On this one year anniversary of the arrival of Covid-19 in T&T, this Government has clearly shown its incompetence, corruption and inability to govern. If the Government had any decency and care for T&T, it would step aside forthwith to allow the country to democratically choose more competent leadership, and save our future.”

The UNC stated that by Deyalsingh announcing that T&T is “in a good place” suggested that he is either a shameless conman or a dithering nincompoop.





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