UNC Gears Up for General Elections: Leader Calls for Unity

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UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar with the party’s new executive. Photo: Facebook/UNC

By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE United National Congress (UNC) is gearing up for general elections 2025. 

UNC’s political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar announced on Monday that screening will soon begin for candidates to contest the election. 

Now that the UNC internal election was over, Persad-Bissessar said the focus should now switch to the general election and the strength of the party lied in unity. 


On Monday, at the UNC headquaters, Mulchan Seuchan Rd, Chaguanas, Persad-Bissessar led in the swearing in of the new national executive members, all of whom were from her STAR slate. 

At the ceremony, she called for all members including those on the opposing United Patriots slate to put aside any bitterness and anger and work together for further growth of the party. 

Persad-Bissessar said, “I am not interested in fighting anyone or any group within the UNC. My focus is on the upcoming general elections. I been through it all within this party and over the years and I have learnt that pettiness, provocations and political stunts for attention do not fool the UNC membership.” 


She said her loyalty has always been, and will always be, to the rank-and-file membership of the UNC. 

Detailing the party’s history and falling out with leaders, Persad-Bissessar reminded the party that when she became leader, even those who did not support her in internal elections were made ministers “we are all UNC”  

“The UNC always comes first,” Persad-Bissessar said adding that she never run the party with bitterness or anger. 

UNC’s deputy political leader Dr Roodal Moonilal was used as an example. 


She said, “MP Moonilal fought me in 2015 for leadership and lost. While others chose to be bitter and antagonistic, MP Moonilal chose to accept my offer to work together.Today he is a Deputy Political Leader of the UNC.” 

Admitting that she too suffered setbacks, she never betrayed the UNC or held on to any bitterness. 

“I just kept working for my party and the membership. True UNC members understand that the UNC always comes first,” Persad-Bissessar said. 

The real battle was now against the People’s National Movement (PNM) ensuring that they do not return to Government the political leader said. 

Persad-Bissessar said, “We must now come together in the real battle -that of unseating the Government in the upcoming general elections. Once we move forward together, as one party, with one common goal, we will be successful in all our undertakings. So again, I ask members and supporters of both slates to move on and let us move forward.” 

She emphasised, “The behaviour and actions of members will decide their progression or regression.” 

Persad-Bissessar also said that any attempts to provoke her inside or outside the Parliament will have no effect on her or the  forward momentum of the party. 


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