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UNC: Farmers, Vendors Hit Hard by New Weekend Curfew

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

WITH the increased curfew time in effect from this weekend, farmers and market vendors are going to be hit the hardest and stand to lose thousands of pounds in produce.  

This is according to the United National Congress (UNC) who is strongly against the back to back curfew on Saturday and Sunday.  

However, speaking on behalf of Agriculture Minister Clarence Rambharat on Wednesday in Parliament, Leader of Government Business Camille Robinson-Regis said some farmers’ produce will be purchased by the Government. 

On Wednesday, the UNC in a press release stated, “ This (the curfew) is harsh and oppressive. There is no other term for it. Farmers and market vendors will be hit by it especially hard. Today is Wednesday, which is the day that farmers normally harvest their ripened and ready crops in their fields. These are normally taken to the wholesale markets on Wednesday or Thursday night for the Saturday and Sunday retail markets. The markets are the best place for families on a budget to purchase their fresh produce, rather than the supermarkets which sell fresh fruits and vegetables at higher prices.”  

The UNC stated that  with the restricted hours, there will be a market rush during the early opening times leading towards another crowding situation.   

“We call on the government to maintain the existing weekend regulations in order to allow farmers to sell their produce, give families the opportunity to buy their fresh food from the markets where produce costs the cheapest, and to avoid any super-spreader events over this weekend,” the UNC stated.  

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

In Parliament, the question was asked by Member of Parliament for Couva North Ravi Ratiram if Government had taken into consideration the disruption to farmers.  

Robinson-Regis replied that consultation took place with farmers some of whom indicated that Friday would not be a good suggested market day and customer turn out would be low. 

She said the National Agricultural Marketing and Development Company (NAMDEVCO) was directly liaising with farmers. 

“NAMDEVCO has been in contact with all the farmers markets and the vendors who participate there and NAMDEVCO has offered to purchase their items to include those items in the food market box that is given to Members of Parliament.” 


See related story below:

Curfew Starts at 10am On Saturday, Sunday



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