‘UNC 2024 Internals the Worst of them All’

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Caption: Political leader of the UNC Kamla Persad-Bissessar after voting at the Debe Secondary School on Saturday. Photo: Facebook

By Chantalé Fletcher

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says the 2024 United National Congress (UNC) internal election has been the worst ever.

Persad-Bissessar said, “I have gone through so many campaigns as leader, six internal elections to be exact but this has been the worst.”


Speaking at her Siparia office on Saturday night, she explained why the party’s membership rejected the United Patriots slate led by  MP for Mayaro Rushton Paray.

Persad-Bissessar said, “We faced a bruising, battering campaign but it was one rooted in dishonesty from the first day. The others came out  and told you that we were not going to hold this internal election, so from day one the other team started with a lie and dishonesty and the campaign continued.”

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She described  the Star slate win as a “landslide victory.” 

However, she added that they were already mobilised to deal with issues ahead, the first being to bring home the two seats, Lengua\ Indian Walk and Morne Diablo\Quinam districts to the UNC on Monday in local government bye-elections.

She thanked all UNC supporters for their love and support.


Persad-Bissessar said, “Now, we put the boots on and hit the ground running for UNC victory  whenever that general election is called.”


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