FORECAST: Occasional partly cloudy/cloudy intervals with showers/rain.
The Remainder of the Lesser Antilles: Generally fair and windy with showers over few areas.
Caution: Hazardous Seas Alert #5 – Yellow Level remains in effect until 12 noon.
Maximum Temperature:
Piarco: 31° C
Sunrise: 6.18 am
Seas are moderate, occasionally rough with waves two metres to 2.5 metres; Occasionally up to three metres in open waters and near one metre, occasionally choppy in sheltered areas.
High tide: 5.47 am 4.47 pm
Low tide: 11.03 am ****
High tide: 5.15 am 4.41 pm
Low tide: 10.31 am 11.33 pm
*Information Courtesy Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service