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TTT says Automatic Update Breaks Kamla’s Speech at Nagar

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Caption: Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar with her husband Gregory Bissessar at the Divali Nagar. Photo: Facebook/UNC

By Prior Beharry

PORT OF SPAIN – TTT Limited says an autonomous automatic update resulted in connection failure of the live stream when Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar was delivering her address at the Divali Nagar on Saturday.

In a statement on Monday, after there was uproar when the live transmission was cut just before Persad-Bissessar spoke and resumed when she had ended, UNC Chairman Davendranath Tancoo not only called for an apology from TTT, but also demanded that his political leader’s broadcast be shown on or before Divali day on TTT.

In its release, TTT stated that it was the official local broadcaster for 2024 Divali Nagar having partnered with the National Council of Indian Culture (NCIC).

It stated, “During our live broadcast on October 26, 2024, the team monitoring the live feed identified that there was a disruption. Immediately, our ICT Team began troubleshooting and it was identified that within the streaming system, internet connection was inactive.

“Further investigations identified that an autonomous automatic update occurred during the broadcast which resulted in the connection failure. To rectify this issue, the system was rolled back to its previous operational state.

“This successfully restored network functionality, allowing us to reconnect to the stream. These events occurred between 8.26 pm and 9.23 pm, when our Master Control Team reestablished the live broadcast.

“Our technical team continued work into the morning of October 27, 2024, where a comprehensive review of our ICT systems was conducted to ensure that no such disruptions will reoccur.

“TTT Limited sincerely regrets this issue and formally communicated same to the NCIC.

“TTT is actively collaborating with the NCIC to increase the resilience of the service by establishing an additional link and all automatic system updates have been disabled.

“In redressing this issue, we will be posting the full uninterrupted footage from October 26, 2024, to our social media pages and webpage –”

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