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TTPS Head of Legal Chandler Arrested

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HEAD of Legal for the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) Christian Chandler and three Special Reserve Police officers were arrested on Wednesday following reports of an incident at sea in August.

Investigations are continuing into the incident and charges are expected to follow soon, people close to the investigation told

Hudson, Awninings

Since August 16, Chandler was sent on leave  after an investigation was launched into his alleged behaviour on board his yacht  called Knot Guilty was reported in the Express.

The Express newspaper reported that Chandler was under probe following a distress call from a woman on board his yacht on August 5.

The woman had told police she was being refused requests to return ashore, and that a man on the boat was being persistent in his sexual advances towards her despite her constant refusal.

It was reported that the investigation revealed that officers of the Coastal and Riverine Patrol Unit of the TTPS were forced to fire warning shots when Chandler allegedly refused to comply with orders issued by the T&T Coast Guard (TTCG) to allow them to board the vessel.


Chandler’s yacht was eventually escorted to Staubles Bay by the TTCG and Coastal Riverine Unit members.

Former Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith had stated that investigations into the  were  being carried out by officers of the Western Division.



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