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TSTT: Don’t Return Calls from Somalia Country Code +252

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TSTT is advising its customers not to return missed calls from foreign numbers, especially ones with the +252 (Somalia) country code.

It said the scam was one where num­bers were ran­dom­ly di­alled from an au­to­mat­ed sys­tem. But, it noted that these scams do not typ­i­cal­ly en­tail hack­ing of cus­tomers’ phones.

In a re­lease on Sat­ur­day, TSTT said, “The Com­pa­ny is aware of an in­flux of ‘one ring’ tele­phone calls orig­i­nat­ing from the +252 (So­ma­lia) coun­try code.

“This ac­tiv­i­ty ap­pears to be part of a pre­mi­um rate scam in­tend­ed to prey on un­sus­pect­ing re­cip­i­ents who re­turn these calls and stay on the line for an ex­tend­ed pe­ri­od.

“Cus­tomers are en­cour­aged not to re­turn these calls since they may re­sult in sig­nif­i­cant charges.”

Social media was replete with information about missed calls from +252 country code with messages being sent out warning people not to answer or return these calls.


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