Tobago Water Safe after Bodies Found in Old WASA Tank

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Caption: The decommissioned WASA metal water tank, at Parrot Hall, Parlatuvier, Tobago where the discovery of three bodies was made. Photo Credit : Kester Jerry, Member of Hunters Search and Rescue Team.

THE Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) says that the water at Parlatuvier, Tobago, is safe to drink after a woman and her two children were found in a decommissioned tank on Wednesday.

Sarah Smith, 33, of Parlatuvier,  her son Genuine, three years, and 18-month-old daughter Phoenix were found in the 40-foot tank after they went missing on September 2.

In a release on Thursday, WASA confirmed the discovery of three bodies at one of its decommissioned and unmanned storage tank facilities located in Parlatuvier.

It stated, “The Authority assures customers in Parlatuvier and environs that this incident has in no way compromised the quality of the water provided, since the storage tank and facility has been decommissioned for over three years. 

“Though the grounds of the facility is regularly maintained, with landscaping works being conducted as recent as 21st August 2024, routine checks on the tank are no longer carried out, due to its decommissioned status.

“The Authority extends heartfelt condolences to those affected by this tragic event and is fully cooperating with the authorities in the ongoing  investigations.”

Reports indicated that Smith was acting strange after family was evicted from their home earlier last week. She was said to be hearing things and walking naked.


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