By Sue-Ann Wayow
SINCE the re-opening of physical school in Tobago last month, the island has reported 90 cases of Covid-19 in the school system.
This represents less than 1% of the school population, the Division of Education, Research and Technology stated in a press release on Tuesday.
Physical school in Tobago began on April 20, one day after the re-opening in Trinidad.
The Division stated that the 90 positive cases were out of a combined teacher and pupil population of 11, 973.
Information provided showed that 16 teachers contracted the virus – four from the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) centres, five from primary schools and seven in secondary schools.
From the pupil population, four children from the ECCE centres contracted Covid-19, 44 from primary schools and 26 in secondary schools.
The Division said that it remained committed to the health and safety of teachers and pupils and will do all in its power to make the necessary adjustments in the best interest of all stakeholders in education.
Citizens were also encouraged to adhere to all guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health to preserve their personal safety.