AZP News Commentary

IT appears we are in day 750 of the pre-general election screening process. A completely useless period, where both the government and opposition turn their focus away from the nation to fluff their feathers and create their “dream teams” of representatives.
The entire process devolves into a depressing pappy show, complete with entertainers, music trucks, banners, adoring fans, hopeful candidates making useless promises and, for the incumbent hoping to snag another term, whispered prayers that their constituents will forget the last five years of neglect.
These representatives of the 41 electoral districts will head into the elections, delivering hampers, kissing babies and maybe a new refrigerator or two. Should they win, he or she will have a guaranteed seat in the “unhallowed” parliamentary chambers of the Red House. If their party wins, then they may get a shot of minister-hood. That’s right, that’s the goal, to be an MP and a minister… tax free Mercedes… holla!
This is an issue for me. How can one possibly be an effective representative of an area, serve the needs of the communities that have voted them into power, while also serving as the head of an arm of the government?
Last week, I touched on the Minister of Finance and MP for Diego Martin North/East Colm Imbert musing that even after being the MP for 32 years, he still felt he had much to do. I spoke about being one of his constituents and in the 15 years that I lived in Maraval not much had changed. The area still faces the same problems year after year.
Imbert has held numerous ministerial positions throughout his career both in government and in opposition, so it’s no surprise that projects such as the upgrade of the Maraval Community Grounds never took off.
My current MP is Prime Minister Keith Rowley. Yes, we have a flyover and a roundabout, but everything else seems neglected. Parks and recreational grounds go months without maintenance, water is on an unpredictable schedule, roads are riddled with potholes, going in and out of Chaguaramas is a nightmare and the concerns of residents, especially in areas where there is active criminal activity, often go unheard.
Another issue is that of corruption within constituencies due to lack of oversight. This week the Minister of Public Utilities Marvin Gonzales accused some elected officials and employees within the Sangre Grande Corporation of deliberately disrupting the water supply in the area to create a demand for truck water.
He said the matter was being investigated but isn’t the first of its kind with a similar situation having taken place last year in Morne Diablo and a water truck contractor had been charged.
These things happen when there is not enough representation and there is not a chief in the chair.
Should I ever become the dark overlord of our colorfully chaotic twin-island nation, somethings would change.
I, The Almighty Greatest Leader of T&T, would have it constitutionally decreed, that no Member of Parliament can also serve as a minister or minister in the ministry.
As an MP you will find yourself in your office at 8 am. You will have a weekly schedule that includes days on which your constituents can come to discuss their concerns and offer suggestions, days where you will be required to visit various communities within your constituency to make sure everything is up to par.
At the start of your tenure, you will deliver a plan of action, detailing improvements, and new initiatives you intend to carry out within your constituency. You will continue to deliver bi-yearly reports on the status of these projects and any other concerns that may have come your way. All of these will be published in the public domain for full transparency.
You will attend sittings of parliament, and you will advocate for the needs of the people you serve…forget party, study yuh country.
Yearly, along with a financial audit, an independent survey will be conducted asking your constituents to determine if under leadership their issues are being addressed and whether you are visible to them.
If your constituents are unhappy, you get a pay cut. If your constituents are unhappy for more than two consecutive years, you will find yourself unemployed or imprisoned in a labour camp. I’m not sure yet what type of leadership I am leaning towards.
You have one job, be great at it.
A major complaint many have is they only see their MPs in their area around election time… if they are lucky. Almost all these missing in action MPs tend to also be ministers, something has got to give. Therefore, I reiterate this point, you cannot be an effective minister and MP, it is one or other.