FLOOD (verb): to overwhelm with an abundance of something.
It would not be wrong to conclude that we have been flooded this week. Obviously with water, because Trini’s still can’t understand that throwing garbage in drains and water courses is a problem. Also, because our government continues to fail at preparing said water courses and drainage systems for both the increase of population and the runoff from continuously signing off on massive developments.
Oh, it also doesn’t help that, what I consider the most ineffective branch of government (other than national security, which we shall get to soon), Town and Country allows people to divert water courses and build without proper drainage.
But the flooding I am choosing to focus on today isn’t of the watery kind, it’s the bloody sort. The overwhelming waves of murder and crime that continue to flood our nation and strip us of any sense of security.
This past weekend we recorded 15 murders. Victims were either intended targets or bystanders that have fallen into the category of collateral damage.
In response to this our Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley met with 17 representatives of our national security bodies…”bodies” is an interesting usage of word here, as we can assume like the bodies we have seen plastered in our newspapers, these national security bodies are dead.
From this meeting of minds, we were all assured that crime would be tackled with “Full Force.”
I am speaking for the entire country when I say, “Sooooo, all this time, with all these murders, home invasions, robberies, crime fighting was a half force? Shouldn’t it have been at full force all the time? Are the representatives of these heart stopped, time of death called, national security representatives living on a different island.”
Rowley announced that following this meeting, which was a real head scratching one, that a two-prong approach had been developed.
This magnificent, never done before, we shall save you all from the clutches of evil plan involves: “(1) a more proactive, intelligence driven, targeted and robust approach”; (2) “deployment in a coordinated and collaborative manner of sustained joint operations.”
Wow, so detailed.
In other words, lots more police, army, etc. The “intelligence” they speak of can’t be from any technology, because we know all those CCTV cameras are for show at this point.
I wouldn’t hold my breath for databases, because all the videos we see of drive by shootings, never once have we heard, “using the cars license plate and other commonsense tactics we have tracked down the perpetrators.”
Nor have we ever heard, “Thug bad, Jonny, who loved to show off his illegal firearms, admits he’s a gang member, and make threats on YouTube, has been arrested thank you to our super tech, IP address tracking systems.”
The vague plans are nothing more than gum bumping to make us believe something is being done.
Increased police presence may hinder minor crimes, but it won’t stop gang-related ones, because let’s be honest the gangs don’t care and have their connections to keep them protected.
If our government was serious, they would have announced plans to tighten security at our ports. Fire up those scanners, buy more, investigate rumours of Customs employees being paid off to turn a blind eye, ensure the Coast Guard is equipped to intercept all vessels (local and foreign) trying to enter the country via untraditional routes.
All of this to disrupt and stop the supply of drugs and guns into our borders, which in turn will weaken and dismantle gangs.
Other things they can do it root out corruption in the same national security bodies, investigate and punish those caught giving out friends and family contracts, especially those to gangs and other “community” groups.
Unfortunately, as I always say, these actions don’t make people happy and Trini politics, in its purest form, is a popularity contest. Buy the votes with cheap tricks, get in power and instead of doing the right thing, you keep the right people happy and wait to throw those tricks back at the suckers come election time.
We are sadly being washed away by crime. Our government’s lifeboat is leaking and unless it’s take seriously and just bandaged over, we will all sink.