By Sue-Ann Wayow IT has been close to four years since thousands of Venezuelans have been…
Tag: #kamlapersadbissessar
Children’s Authority Under Budgeted
By Sue-Ann Wayow THE Children’s Authority is under-budgeted and under-resourced and not doing enough to protect…
Kamla Refuses Rowley More Time
By Prior Beharry OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar refuses to give Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley…
Kamla asks Mottley for Public Enquiry in Thomas Affair
By Prior Beharry OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar intends to ask Prime Minister of Barbados Mia…
Rowley – Laziest PM Ever
‘Who dead, dead, who live, live. Lazy Rowley must play golf.’ – Kamla Persad-Bissessar …
‘T&T Needs UNC More than Ever’
By Sue-Ann Wayow NOW more than ever, Trinidad and Tobago needs the United National Congress (UNC)…
UNC will Make Home Invasion a Specific Criminal Offence
‘”You can see sometimes seven men jump over your wall and invade the sanctity of…