Stop the Blame Game Prime Minister

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By Neil Gosine


“Why must you go down this road for political mileage where it’s always blame the Opposition and where the red party must hit the yellow party for six, even when the truth is staring us starkly in our face.”


HOW can the Prime Minister blame the Opposition for paid organised vigils in honour of murdered Arima court clerk Andrea Bharatt who got into a car she thought was a PH taxi in Arima, on January 29 and her body was found down a precipice at the Heights of Aripo almost a week later.

Our small country reached its boiling point as people raised their voices against domestic violence and women-based violence to beseech the powers that be to make a change our country so drastically need. Andrea’s murder led to a number of spontaneous candlelight vigils across Trinidad and Tobago.

This is an appalling and deliberate attempt to change the narrative and blame shame the Opposition when many citizens raised their voices to stop the violence against women.

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

The movement led to non-lethal weapons such as the pepper spray being approved in Parliament for use by citizens.

The Opposition also joined with the Government in the Senate earlier this month to pass the legislation to control the use of pepper spray in the Firearms (Amendment) Bill, 2021, piloted by the Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi.

The outrage of her murder still vivid in people’s minds could still lead to the change that our society need. To make matters worst, to bring this up in Parliament so publicly when the family still cannot come to terms with the horrors of Andrea’s last moments, is awful.

How can the Prime Minster be so insensitive to the fact that people’s emotions ran high and where we all know for a fact those vigils had nothing to do with the recent explosion of Covid-19 cases.

Many citizens across the country, not just the Opposition membership, came together to apply pressure to Government, so much so, that they had to pass the amendment to the fire arms bill.

It is a sad state of affairs when a prime minister uses such an incident for political mileage to berate the Opposition. When in fact it’s the Government and the Prime Minister that has made a terrible miscalculation with the virus and invited everyone to Tobago for the Easter weekend. This has really caused the massive virus spread.

Anyone can see that the explosive infection rate started approximately two weeks after that weekend where citizens are now being infected more quickly and dying at a rate that seems uncontrollable at this point in time.

Our porous borders and possibly the P1 Brazilian variant have much to do with the large increase in daily cases. And it appears that nothing can be done to control the spread. There seems to be no end to these upsurges as the parallel healthcare system is on the brink of the collapse.

We are also now seeing increased infections and deaths among younger people as well as more serious conditions in hospitalised patients. I’m sorry to say this but Prime Minister you and your Government must take blame for the invitation extended to citizens to go to Tobago for Easter and with 50,000 visitors between the two islands as reported by your Minister of Transport, that answered to your call, has possibly triggered the explosive rate of the virus spread.

Why must you go down this road for political mileage where it’s always blame the Opposition and where the red party must hit the yellow party for six, even when the truth is staring us starkly in our face. This only causes more division where brother is against brother, sister against sister in their partisan party games that causes nothing but more animosity.

Prime Minister please re-examine the road you are going down with this blame game and make adjustments to counteract the circumstances we find ourselves in. Ensure your Cabinet is more honest with the population, as cheap political shots to annihilate your opponents at any cost, cannot be the best approach you can take at this time.

Now is the time, we need all hands on deck to fight this brutal enemy, the Covid-19 virus. This behavior is unbecoming of your status and carries the wrong message to the population.

We need you now for inspiration, to inspire a vision of the future; to reassure the population that we can fight this virus and win; and to inspire people to engage in a uniting vision of staying home, staying safe and obeying the curfew restrictions.

This is for all of us, so we can get control of the spread and so that we can reopen bigger, stronger and better in the future.

Neil Gosine is an insurance executive, the North East Regional Coordinator of the United National Congress and a former chairman of NP. The comments and opinions expressed by him in this column are not necessary those of a division of Complete Image Limited.


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