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‘Slap’ for Policemen in National Awards – Griffith

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

POLICE officers whose efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic were not recognised nationally, received a virtual slap to the face on Republic Day.

This is the opinion of former police commissioner Gary Griffith.

Griffith, on Saturday said, “A virtual slap in the face to every police officer, on this Republic Day. This is how those with the responsibility to protect and serve must be feeling this morning, after the powers that be, chose not to recognise their frontline efforts, during the Covid pandemic.”

He acknowledged that those in the medical profession, were rightfully recognised for their frontline efforts, with their head, Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram, copping the nation’s highest award, the Order of Trinidad and Tobago (ORTT).  

More than 60 persons were bestowed awards at the National Academy for Performing Arts (NAPA).

Griffith said by rewarding and recognising one frontline national group, and not recognising the efforts and dedication to duty of over 7,000 in the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, some of whom lost their lives, “it can’t be seen as anything but monumentally disrespectful.”

Over 30 officers have died as a result of exposure to Covid-19.

Griffith said the reason why police officers were not recognised was because by extension it would also mean recognition of him by President Paula-Mae Weekes and Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.

“And given their respective attacks, and apparent violation of the constitution, that simply was not happening,” he said.

The former CoP stated, “So for that reason, I want to publicly state, forget me, and give the award and recognition to the other 6,999 police officers, because they deserve it.”

He personally thanked the officers.

“I feel I am speaking for most of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago when I say, thank you officers of the police service for your hard work and dedication to protect and serve, especially during the period of the pandemic.”

“And whilst I know you all will continue to show professionalism, in the execution of your duties to the state, and to its office holders, please do not forget those who put a petty, personal agenda, over doing what was good and right for our country,” Griffith added.


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