TWO men were arrested and a firearm and quantity of ammunition recovered, following a police-involved shooting in the Central Division on Sunday night.
Reports indicate that officers of the Major Crimes Unit of the North Central Division, conducted an intelligence-led exercise between 10.50 pm and 11.20 pm, on Sunday during which they received information about suspects in a vehicle who were in possession of a firearm and narcotics.
The officers subsequently intercepted a white Nissan Tiida motor vehicle with two male occupants in the Lange Park district, according to a release from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS).
One suspect, a 25-year-old of Chaguanas, exited the vehicle and attempted to flee, but was held a short distance away.

The driver of the vehicle is then alleged to have pointed an object resembling a firearm in the direction of the officers. In accordance with the Use of Force Policy, officers discharged their firearms in the direction of the vehicle which accelerated for a short time and then crashed a short distance away.
The suspect, a 30-year-old of Couva, was taken to the Chaguanas Health Facility and subsequently transferred to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, where he remains warded in stable condition under police custody.
One revolver loaded with five rounds of ammunition, a quantity of marijuana and a cellular phone were recovered from the vehicle.

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