Serious Crimes Down in Northeastern Division – George

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SERIOUS crimes in the Northeastern Division of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) are down by 7%.

This was stated by Superintendent Natasha George during the TTPS media briefing last week.

She said the 7% was a decrease for this year when compared to the same period in 2022.

The Northeastern Division comprises six police stations – Barataria, San Juan, Morvant, Santa Cruz, Blanchisseuse and Maracas Bay.

George said from January 1 to October 10, 2022, there were 64 murders in the division and 62 for this year.

But, robberies were up with 187 reported for the period in 2022 and 202 for this year thus far.

Neil Transport Services

In 2022, 89 woundings and shootings were reported with 81 for this year.

The larceny of motor vehicles for this year was 102 compared to 109 for the corresponding period last year.

She said 68 stolen vehicles were recovered within northeastern and neighbouring divisions.

George said for this year, 71 firearms were recovered and 11 of these included rifles and two submachine guns.

She said for 2023, 2.149 kilogrammes of cocaine in Central Division and 7.4 kgs of cocaine in the Northeastern Division were recovered.

George said police also seized 2.189kgs of marijuana in the Central Division and 16kgs of marijuana in the Northeastern Division.

She said, “We are aware the Northeastern Division, that we need to partner with our stakeholders. Our community is important to us and so the Northeastern  Division both of having five active police youth clubs, there are in the Blanchisseuse, Santa Cruz, Barataria Morvant and a paramilitary youth club in the Aranguez area.”

George said there were two active Home Work Centres in the division – in Santa Cruz at the Cantaro Community Centre and in the Morvant Police Station.

She said both centres were managed by police officers while a chief clerk leads the one at Morvant.”

George said, “Our community-oriented police officers, throughout partnership with the NWRHA conduct a number of health centre visits within the division that focuses on general safety, domestic violence and child abuse.”

She said the police have formed a partnership with five faith-based organisations in the Morvant area.

George said there were ongoing station council meetings at Blanchisseuse, Santa Cruz, Barataria, Morvant and Maracas in the communities.




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