Senators Ask for No Permits to Purchase Pepper Spray

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE bill to legalise the use of pepper spray was passed in the Senate on Tuesday.

There were two abstentions, no objections and the bill was passed after receiving 22 votes.

Two Independent Senators Evans Welch and Deoroop Teemul asked that Government allow people to be able to purchase pepper spray without permits.

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

Welch, a former prosecutor, referred to  incidents where women were attacked adding that using pepper spray gives the potential victim an opportunity to possibly escape or raise an alarm.

He said, “Something needs to be done here and now. It’s not enough that arrests are made. Even when justice is done it doesn’t restore life or repair psychological damage.”

The paperwork may be  a deterrent preventing women from acquiring it.

Welch is suggesting that it be  liberalised and  have certain toxicity levels. Individuals 16 years and above should be allowed to buy it without a permit from the police, it can be transferred as well as some should not be allowed to have it in their possession.

Additionally, the use of pepper spray should have its own law and suggested “The Pepper Spray Liberalisation Act,” with offences for its misuse. The allowance of the use of ppper spray is an amendment to the Firearms Act.

Teemul agreed with Welch and also raised concerns about  possible human rights violations in the use of the spray by police regarding political or workers’ rallies and  consultations were not held with human rights groups.

He encouraged that police be guided accordingly in its use so that Government  will be not subjected to having to pay compensation for its improper use.

The Opposition had repeatedly called for the bill to be tabled in Parliament with Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar saying once the bill was debated, the Opposition will support such law.


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