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See How to Access CXC Results Online

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

CANDIDATES who wrote the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) regional May/June exams this year can access their results online from today (Monday, September 5, 2022).

The results will be available from 6 pm.

In a press release on Sunday, CXC stated that those who wrote the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence (CCSLC) examinations, may access their results via the student portal at

CXC has established a Helpdesk service to provide support to candidates accessing their results via the student portal. 

For assistance, candidates may contact the CXC Helpdesk service in Barbados at 1-246-227-1700 or in Jamaica at 1-876-630-5200, between the hours of 6 pm to 10 pm today.

Stakeholders are reminded that results are preliminary.

CXC stated that candidates who may have questions about their grades, may submit requests for reviews and/or queries. The deadline for submission is October 7, 2022. 

Stakeholders are asked to note the following guidance: 

  • Ungraded: A result of “Ungraded” indicates that a School Based Assessment (SBA), SBA grade, multiple-choice paper or supporting documents was not submitted on behalf of a candidate. Candidates may submit a query to have this result investigated. Candidates are not required to pay for this service;
  • Absent: Candidates who attended an examination but received a result of “Absent”, may submit a query to have this result investigated. Candidates are not required to pay for this service;  and
  • Review: Candidates who may have questions about a grade and would like to have a script reviewed, may submit a request for a “Script Review”. Please note that a script review may result in an overall Grade either increasing or remaining the same. If the review results in an increase in an overall grade, the candidate will receive a refund of their review fee.  The cost per review is US$30.

All queries may be submitted through schools for in-school candidates or through the relevant Ministry of Education for private candidates.

CXC stated, “The CXC team has been in contact with regional and international higher education institutions to communicate the timing of the release of results in order to minimise the possibility of students being disadvantaged during the matriculation process.”

The ceremony for the official release of results will also take place today in St. Lucia at 10 am.


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