Saturday’s Weather: Chance of Thunderstorms 

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Today: Partly cloudy to cloudy with showers in varying localities and the  medium (40% to 60%) chance of the heavier shower or  thunderstorms in a few areas.

Tonight would be mostly settled with a few overnight showers.

Caution: Gusty winds and street/flash flooding can occur near heavy showers or thunderstorms.

The Remainder of the Lesser Antilles: Generally fair and breezy with a few light showers.

Seas are moderate with waves 1.5 metres to two metres, occasionally above two metres (Leewards) in open waters and near one metre occasionally choppy near showers in sheltered areas.

Sunrise: 5.47 am                                      Sunset: 6.31 pm

Forecast maximum:


Crown Point: 31ºC


Port of Spain

High:   10 am 10.30 pm

Low:   3.54 am                             3.59 pm


High: 10.00 am                          10.27 pm

Low:  3.50 am                           4.06  pm 

*Information supplied by the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service.


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