THE air quality in San Fernando is registered as unhealthy on Sunday.
In a release, the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) stated that the current “Air Quality” level has registered as UNHEALTHY on the Air Quality Index (AQI) at the EMA’s Monitoring Station in San Fernando at 11 am on Sunday.
Readings taken at the EMA’s Monitoring Stations in Arima, Mayaro, Pt Lisas and Port of Spain have registered as UNHEALTHY FOR SENSITIVE GROUPS at 11am.
Levels range between 111 – 159 on the AQI. The increase in Particulate Matter (PM) is attributed to Saharan dust. Everyone, in particular, sensitive groups, including older adults, children, and individuals with heart or lung disease, respiratory ailments, and allergies, are strongly advised to avoid prolonged or heavy exertion.
The EMA, through the National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network has been obtaining accurate, real-time assessment of ambient air quality at strategic points nationally.
The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a number used by government agencies to communicate to the public how polluted the air currently is, or how polluted it is forecast to become. As the AQI rises, an increasingly large percentage of the population is likely to experience severe adverse health effects.
There are currently six Ambient Air Quality Monitoring stations in Trinidad and Tobago. Five are located in Trinidad (Mayaro, Arima, Port of Spain, Point Lisas and San Fernando) and the sixth station is located at Signal Hill, Tobago.

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