By Prior Beharry
PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley has agreed to a salary increase recommended by the Salaries Review Commission (SRC).
This adjustment will raise his annual salary from approximately $59,000 to $87,000.
During a post-Cabinet media briefing on Thursday, Dr Rowley expressed his approval of the SRC’s work, stating, “I have accepted the work that they have done.
“The recommendations have come after work that I believe has been good work and I am prepared to accept their work. As far as I’m concerned that is the end of the story.”
When questioned about the fairness of the new salary, Dr Rowley said, “Whether it is fair or not is not the point. Those who were given the assignment to do it, they have done it, these are the recommendations and I accept it without more on this occasion.”
Once the 120 Report of the SRC is laid in Parliament, the increases will take place.
The proposed salary adjustments would result in over $150 million in back pay for politicians, including $1.1 million for the Prime Minister and $960,700 for Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
They will be getting more money to talk about Zammying, Stink mouth and put the highway between legs etc. they should get much more money to continue their political disgrace in and outside the parliament