PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley says the People’s National Movement (PNM) is not afraid of being voted out of office.
Speaking on Monday evening in the Lower House during debate on the amendments to the Property Tax Act, Dr Rowley said, “We are not afraid of being voted out for having done the right thing and I make no bones about that.”

He defended his government’s decision to impose property tax on citizens.
Dr Rowley added, “We believe that as we do the right thing for this country, enough people will see that we have done the right thing and will make sure we stay in office.”
He said, “That is how we differ (from the UNC).” They feel they have to pander to every nonsense.”
Dr Rowley said that while nobody likes to pay taxes, they were an essential part of management of public business.

Saying that governing the country was not magic, the prime minister asked: “If all the revenue streams dried up, what would you pay the bills with? Jumbie beads?”
He said, “People have million-dollar houses and they want all kinds of services, they want roads fixed, they want the drains fixed, they want the mosquitoes killed, they want the fire service, they want the police service but you don’t want to pay anything.”
Rowley said the property tax was reasonable.

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