Roget to Rowley: We’re Not Afraid

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By Chantalé Fletcher

OILFIELD Workers Trade Union (OWTU) leader Ancel Roget says trade unionist have never been afraid of the colonial masters in this country.

He said, “We have never been afraid of Dr Eric Williams, ANR Robinson, Patrick Manning, Basdeo Panday, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, so who the hell is Keith Christopher Rowley. We are not afraid of him at all.”

At a press conference on Tuesday at the OWTU’s headquarters in San Fernando, he responded to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s comments made at the People’s National Movement (PNM)  Sport and Family Day on Sunday.

Roget accused the PM of violating procurement laws in the bidding for the former Petrotrin refinery in favour of Indian businessman Naveen Jindal, Chairman of Jindal Steel and Power Limited.

He also demanded that Dr Rowley say whether Jindal was involved in the process and what special considerations were given towards him, given that the bidding process for the refinery was closed off on May 10, 2024.

Making reference to international news agencies such as Forbes, the Hindustan Time, Business Standard India which showed criminal and bribery charges against the businessman.

He criticised Dr Rowley for not doing his due diligence as he admitted to being unaware of the charges laid against the Indian businessman. 

His actions, Roget described as “a scandal of monumental proportions.”

Meanwhile, the OWTU leader expressed the union’s desire to form a National Front Alliance to help address the problems which affected the people.

He said, “Trinidad and Tobago is drowning. We all have to come together to save T&T right now. And if it takes joining with the  United National Congress (UNC) to save T&T then we will join with them to save T&T.”

Roget said they were also open to all other political entities to address the problems that affect the people of this country.


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