Roget: Don’t Forget PNM Closed Down Petrotrin 

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Caption: President of JTUM Ancel Roget. Photo: Facebook

By Chantalé Fletcher

DESPITE the rains, hundreds of trade union members took the streets of Fyzabad for their 87th  annual Labour Day celebrations on Wednesday.

Under the theme, “United to fight, one voice, one movement, justice for all” workers and spectators marched from Avocat to Charlie King Junction.

Addressing the crowd, Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM) and Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU)  President Ancel Roget said, “We cannot forget that Rowley himself closed Petrotrin, a state company that guaranteed us  fuel independence. 

“They stood by and saw the closure of ArcelorMittal, Unilever and a number of plants on the Point Lisas Estate. They desiccated TSTT and now Rowley and the PNM clan is to send home workers at state owned enterprises under the guise of restructuring.”

He warned workers, “If you put them back under the guise of restructuring they are prepared to close down or restructure T&TEC, NP, WASA,  BIR, Customs, SWMCOL TTPOST, Lake Asphalt,  the ports of Port of Spain  and Scarborough; the City and Regional Corporations. 

“The net effect will be workers going home. They  have totally designated the middle class.”

Roget said, “The closure of Petrotrin further exacerbated the foreign exchange crisis in this country. Where Petrotrin used to produce fuel for local  consumption and foreign exports to earn foreign exchange, now  under Rowley and the PNM. We now have to use the very scarce foreign exchange to buy gasoline and diesel for the local market and  re-sell it back in TT.”

He added there were no recommendations from any experts to advise the government to close Petrotrin.

Roget explained, “They closed Petrotrin to get rid of the Trade Union Movement and they wanted to start with OWTU. But even though they close Petrotrin, the OWTU and the Trade Movement Union in this country will always remain. Government go and come but we will be here even after they leave the office.”

Following a meeting on Monday with Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and Indian businessman, Naveen Jindal, chairman of Jindal Steel and Power Ltd, who expressed an interest in the Petrotrin Refinery.

Roget said, “OWTU will not  stand idly and allow anybody to walk in here and take over the refinery, so Indian businessman or not or whoever you be ; we must be a part of the operations going forward.

“Workers, do not allow yourselves to be divided. Do not accept pittance. Stand with your union that negotiated benefits for you so when you go back you are paid decent wages for the jobs you are called upon to do.”

Meanwhile, Trinidad and Tobago Postal Workers Union (TTPWU)  representative for Tobago, Felisha Persaud said the trade unions are the only hope for workers in Trinidad and Tobago.

Persaud said, “Employees in Tobago keep telling workers not to join the trade union , denying them justice and their fundamental rights. They violate these rights as workers in Tobago are faced with summary dismissal letters, non payment of overtime, and a significant amount of short term contracts.”

She added that many workers cannot access social grants as employers fail to honour their requirements such as paying NIS contributions.

Persaud continued, “CEPEP workers are faced with non-renewal of their contracts. Employers show no mercy for workers , and send them home with no pay and force them to take vacation leave.” 

Earlier today, Opposition MP’s, Dr Roodal Moonilal stood in solidarity with members of the labour movement sporting his branded OWTU t-shirt along with Dr Lackram Bodoe, Rudranath Indarsigh, David Lee and Senator Wade Mark.

Other Trade Unions also present were the Goat and Sheep Farmers Association; Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM); Public Services Association (PSA); Trinidad & Tobago Unified Teachers’ Association (TUTTA); Communication Workers Union (CWU); Contractors and General Workers Trade Union; the Student’s Guild of Cipriani College of Labour Cooperative Studies; Fire Service Association of Trinidad and Tobago;  Trinidad and Tobago Postal Workers Union (TTPWU); Trinidad and Tobago Registered Nurses Association and many more were also present.


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