Kennedy Admits Putting Dead Bear in Central Park 10 Years Ago

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New York City – INDEPENDENT US presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has recounted a decade-old prank involving a dead bear and a bicycle in Central Park.

A video posted to social media on Sunday gave details about an upcoming New Yorker article that Kennedy himself predicts will be damaging.

In the video, Kennedy shares the bizarre tale with actress Roseanne Barr, describing how he once retrieved a young bear that had been killed by a motorist. The incident occurred while Kennedy was on his way to a falconry excursion with friends. After the bear was hit by a vehicle, Kennedy decided to collect the carcass with the intention of skinning and eating the meat. That did not happen and Kennedy found himself needing to dispose of the bear while in Manhattan.

What followed was a prank that would consume the city. Kennedy, along with friends who had been drinking, devised a plan to leave the bear in Central Park with a bicycle on top, mimicking the media’s focus on bicycle accidents at the time. Kennedy insists he was not drunk during the incident.

Two women walking their dogs discovered the dead bear and alerted authorities, sparking a mystery that captivated New Yorkers for days. Central Park authorities, unaccustomed to bears among the park’s wildlife, dusted the bicycle for fingerprints and sent the bear to Albany for a necropsy. The examination confirmed the bear had been hit by a vehicle, not subjected to animal cruelty, but the question of how it ended up in Central Park remained unsolved—until now.

“I was worried because my prints were all over that bike,” Kennedy reveals in the video.

This latest revelation adds another layer to Kennedy’s unconventional campaign, which has already seen him deny bizarre accusations such as eating a dog—an incident he said involved a goat. His run for the presidency has not only divided his famous family but has also raised concerns among both Republicans and Democrats about his potential impact on the upcoming election.


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