By Sue-Ann Wayow
This was the exclamation of both employees and customers at various retail outlets on Monday as the re-opening of the sector after months of strict lockdown occurred.
Malls were allowed to fully re-open and clothing and shoes seemed to be the most desired items by customers.

Several retail chains launched special discount packages as they tried to encouraged shopping yet being aware that people may not have a lot of money to spend.
However, many businesses have not re-opened as some would have closed down operations permanently due to the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Launching a new line of products
Managing Director of Managlie’s Trading Co Ltd Charlie Mangalie used the opportunity to launch a new product line, totally unrelated to hardware and building supplies – food.
The company located at Charlieville, Chaguanas, launched Mangalie’s Foods Wholesale and Retail Limited, a company that was inspired by Covid-19.
Mangalie told, “We decided to diversify into food because at the end of the day, everyone needs to eat and drink. Food is in high demand and yes I think the market is very competitive but at the end of the day, we can do a good job.”

He said there was plans to export the five main products to other Caribbean countries but at the moment focus will be on Trinidad and Tobago.
The products that consumers can purchase wholesale or retail are oil, rice, sugar, channa (chickpeas) and dhal (spilt peas).
While there was a risk in investing a huge sum of money into a new product or new business, Mangalie said he was a risk taker and given the type of items, he would get returns on his investment.
By next week, the new line would be available to customers at the same location at Charlieville.
Tenancy rent killing business
President of the Penal/Debe Chamber of Commerce Rampersad Sieuraj said the business community in the area had thrived based on people’s attitude to uplift themselves but now, “ disposable income is at a bare minimum.”
He said he was told by one main landlord that only 50% of tenants out of 60 in one building renewed their tenancy.
He said he has closed down 20 companies through the Registrar of Companies and these were Small and Micro Entreprise (SME’s) companies.
For Penal/Debe Sieuraj told said, “Almost every business had a rental agreement and they found it very difficult to operate from a cash flow, liquidating operation. The businesses you have surviving are those whose upstairs are residential and downstairs is the business. Those who do not have to pay rent.”
He is hoping that business activity will increase.
Interested but not yet purchasing
And President of the Chaguanas Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CCIC) Richie Sookhai said people in Chaguanas were very excited and showing interest but not yet purchasing.
He said, “A lot of business are open. All the malls are open. Everybody is excited to be back out. A lot of people are walking through but not purchasing. Maybe by month end or at the end of the week, we might see a lot more persons making purchases.”