BRIDGETOWN – A new executive director has been appointed to the American Chamber of Commerce for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean (AmCham BEC).
Renatta Mohammed “has resumed the role of facilitating business relations between its member jurisdictions and the United States of America (USA),” a release on Thursday from AmCham BEC stated.
The chamber Co-Founder and President Dustin Delany said, “AmCham BEC is excited to rekindle our mission and get back to the business of serving our members, as is our mandate.”
Delany said, “Renatta is a communicator whose skill set includes business and relationship development. The Caribbean is her market and that knowledge and network would serve us well given our member composition.”

Mohammed has held leadership roles in the public and private sector, finance, education, trade and hospitality industries with award winning success in managing transformation and creating growth, the release stated.
The release stated that Mohammed, who holds an MBA, “understands international business and is a previous Communication Chair of the Barbados International Business Association (BIBA).”
She has represented international brands across the Caribbean and will continue to serve as a regional Business Development Consultant to others.
On her appointment, Mohammed referred to Veoma Ali, the Chamber’s previous head.
She said, “I am particularly heartened to continue the work of someone whose life and death touched me. I’m calling on all past members to renew their membership – and I’m welcoming new members to join us in the continued journey of bridging gaps, exploring opportunities and building businesses.
According to the release, member jurisdictions include Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines.
AmCham BEC has the unique distinction of being the only multi-national AmCham in the world, the release added.
Individuals and entities seeking membership are invited to express their interest by emailing executivedirector@amchambec.com