THREE days after a purported resignation letter was circulating on social media, Chaguanas West MP C says its fake.
In a Facebook post on Saturday he said, “If you are unaware of what I am speaking about, you are better off for it as you would have saved precious time by not engaging with sheer nonsense.
“For those who are aware, they would know by now that I, as their representative in Parliament, do not engage in frivolities and shenanigans. I am rather direct, respectful and straightforward in my pronouncements and it is inconvenient to have to address this fake letter at all. Nonetheless I wish to distance myself from it entirely.”
He added, “Further, I have full faith in the collective conscience and sensibilities of my Chaguanas West constituents that they know what to expect from me, and to recognize social media traps designed to ensnare.
“Members of the media are fully aware as well that they ought not to give any credence whatsoever to something that is patently and obviously fake.
“I have always been, and still remain accountable to all of my constituents, and will always
do so in a responsible manner. This is something my constituents can continue to depend on.
“I have always had an open door policy and you, my people, my constituents, must always feel free to contact me ( as so many of you do routinely), especially on things that I can help with or otherwise be in your service.”

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