MODERATOR of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church the Right Rev Daniel Chance acknowledges the impact of women in different spheres of life.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024, Daniel also expressed gratitude for the invaluable contributions, sacrifice, determination, and perseverance exhibited by women in various roles, highlighting their unwavering faith in Jesus Christ.

Acknowledging the significant impact of women in different spheres of life, including roles as mothers, wives, caregivers, home-makers, religious leaders, politicians, academia, business, health, education, and the arts, Daniel referred to women as the world’s greatest ‘warriors.’ T
Daniel said that the ministry and mission of the Church of Jesus Christ have been strengthened by their tireless efforts over the years.
Daniel applauded women as the “First Responders” to life’s crises and praised their enthusiasm, passion, and willingness to serve wherever needed.
He called for solidarity with women in their struggles and urged everyone to stand alongside mothers, sisters and daughters to address their concerns, including issues of abuse, exploitation, exclusion, and violence.
Quoting Joshua 1:9, the moderator encouraged women to be strong and courageous, assuring them that the Lord is with them wherever they go.

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