In response to the recent surge in gang violence around schools in East Port of Spain, senior officers from the Port of Spain Division and the Community Oriented Policing Section engaged principals and representatives from over 20 primary schools on Tuesday.
The meeting, held at the Ministry of Education’s regional office on Jerningham Avenue, Belmont, aimed to address the escalating violence, including the tragic death of 11-year-old Ezekiel Paria, killed by a stray bullet last week, according to a release by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS).

Senior Superintendent Harripersad Ramnarine, acting Inspector Brathwaite, Sgt Parris, and Corporal Thomas led discussions with educators, and spoke about the need to intensify efforts to protect students and staff in the face of growing threats.
Principals expressed serious concerns about the safety of their schools, students, and staff who must navigate high-risk areas daily, the release stated.
During the meeting, Snr Supt Ramnarine assured the principals that the TTTPS would implement immediate measures to address the violence in the surrounding communities.

Some of these measures would be put into action from Tuesday, while additional proposals would be forwarded to Commissioner of Police, Erla Christopher, for approval.
“The safety of our schools, staff, and students remains the top priority,” said Snr Supt Ramnarine.
He said, ““We are taking swift action using every resource available to contain the violence spilling into school zones, to ensure the safety of our dedicated educators and to secure the future for our beloved and vulnerable children.”
The principals commended the TTPS’s commitment to the safety of students and recognised the challenges faced in tackling this issue. Ministry of Education officials Ms Tuitt, School Supervisor II, and Wade Griffith, responsible for overseeing school safety, were also present at the meeting.
Ramnarine expressed his willingness to continue collaboration and announced a follow-up meeting with more stakeholders in the upcoming weeks to develop comprehensive solutions.

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