PM’s ‘Biggest Mistake’

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By Neil Gosine

FOR a prime minister to come at this stage in his tenure at the helm of the country and declare that Gary Griffith is “the biggest mistake” of his life really shows how consumed he is with his obsession with the wielding of his power over this country.

A true megalomaniac if ever there was one. His management of this country’s affairs has permeated every aspect of our lives with failure after failure and his mismanagement of the affairs of this country with allegations of corruption and the level of dictatorship in his service to the people are astounding.

The powers the PM wield has to deal with every single citizen in the country fairly and equally not just his cohorts and he must treat every citizen equally while eradicating corrupt practices, to make sure he negates the tendency toward corrupt practices within his government. If you fail to do that, then you get what we have now, continued suffering, “crying out” of our citizens every day on the cost of living, the prices they face at the pumps, at the supermarkets, with continued protest action after protest action and total despair.

I believe I have never seen a government under any prime minister that has been as visibly controversial as this one has been in the last seven years. There is nothing going well, not a good thing at this moment and things that are even worse. After experiencing life under this government for the last seven years, I think the PM and the government should look back and see what needs to be done to stop making these “biggest mistakes””as Dr Rowley himself described his mistake in the recommendation of Gary Griffth for the post of Commissioner of Police.

Griffth has been hailed as a hero to some and an annoyance to others however it is clear that the previous commissioner was controversial to start with, so therefore Mr PM, you went there with your eyes wide open.

Your interference into the process is what makes any right-thinking person wonder how you can now exclaim that your decision was such a large mistake of this magnitude to declare it in your words “the biggest mistake” of your life by your own admission.

However, when a prime minister could admit an error of this magnitude as the most appalling decision of his life after looking at his whole life in a soul-searching, self-analysis process, it is really worrisome as our country can not spare the price of another terrible mistake at this time. If our PM had left the decision to the right authorities, the Police Service Commission and wasn’t hell-bent on using the police commissioner to allegedly go after his opponents in the opposition to destroy them and annihilate them, then this would not have occurred.

That decision should have been left in the hands of the PolSC solely and then their recommendations considered properly in parliament not overridden and changed. Your actions only seemed to be for your advancement and continued control of the reins of power with the advancement of your agenda and not for the benefit of our citizens, easing their suffering or making their lives better.

Neil Gosine is the treasurer of the UNC. He was a former Chairman of the National Petroleum Marketing Company of Trinidad and Tobago. He also holds a Master’s in Business Administration MBA, BSC in Mathematics and a BA in Administrative Studies. The views and comments expressed in this column are not necessarily those of AZP News, a Division of Complete Image Limited.


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