THE three-member team into the deaths of babies at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Port of Spain General Hospital have begun their investigations.
This according to a release from the Ministry of Health on Wednesday.
It stated, “The Ministry of Health wishes to inform the public that a three-person team from the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) has begun its independent investigation into the outbreak at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Port of Spain General Hospital.”
The three-person team includes:
- Dr Nalini Singh MD, MPH. Professor Emeritus-in-residence, Professor of Pediatrics, Global Health and Epidemiology, The George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.
- Dr Grisel Rodriguez. MD, PH Clinical Microbiologist, Head of Microbiology, Centro de Asistencia Medica Soriano. Expert in IPC, AMS. PAHO International Consultant based in Uruguay.
- Dr Gillian Birchwood, MD – Newborn Intensive Care Specialist and Head of the Neonatal Care Intensive Unit at the QEH, Barbados.

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I hope that the while the PAHO representatives are here in Trinidad that they visit the Couva Children Hospital to investigate and assess the facility to determine if it is highly adequate and meets the PAHO standards for taking care of newborn babies