Non-National Warded at POSGH for Malaria

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A  pregnant woman is warded at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Port of Spain General Hospital with malaria.

The non-national was confirmed to be carrying the illness which is spread through mosquito bites.

Head of the North West Regional Authority (NWRHA) Anthony Blake confirmed the woman was isolated as the protocol mandated for all infectious diseases and was being treated.

Back in 2019, Minister of Health  Terance Deyalsingh confirmed 17 malaria cases in Trinidad and Tobago. One of which was  local while 13 cases were imported from Venezuela, one from Guyana, one from Uganda and one from Ghana.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, malaria can be spread through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito which would carry the parasite.

The CDC highlighted some symptoms  may include high fever, chills, sweats and headache, vomiting, and in some instances may progress to jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), anemia, blood clotting defects, shock, kidney or liver failure, central nervous system disorders.However, if untreated malaria can cause persons to fall into comas and even death.


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