No More Safe Zones from April 4 in T&T

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‘We will as of today remove much of what we had in place when we were dealing with a more threatening environment in the Covid pandemic of 2020 and 2021, 2022’ – Dr Keith Rowley


By Sue-Ann Wayow

THERE will be neither Safe Zones in Trinidad and Tobago nor restrictions at beaches and rivers from April 4.

And no limit to the number of people gathering in a public place from that date

People entering T&T will no longer require a negative Covid-19 PCR test but enter with a negative antigen test. This is the only measure that will begin tomorrow.

These are the announcements made by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on Saturday during a press conference at the Diplomatic Centre in St Ann’s.

The decisions were made following a meeting with health officials on Friday, Dr Rowley said.

“We will as of today remove much of what we had in place when we were dealing with a more threatening environment in the Covid pandemic of 2020 and 2021, 2022,” he said.

Last Tuesday, Dr Rowley hinted at the possible complete reopening of all sectors saying there was no reason why T&T should not open up all its sectors completely.

Dr Rowley in giving a history of the Covid-19 pandemic since March 2020 said Trinidad and Tobago’s situation has improved greatly especially since last year November into December.

He said, “We are in a much better place today than where we were last year.”

However, he emphasised that the Covid-19 virus was still very much amongst the population hence the reason why mask-wearing, sanitising of hands and social distancing will remain in effect except when engaging.

The TTtravel Pass policy will remain in place, but “very soon we will be able to lift this as well,” the prime minister said.

However, he warned the population, “From the 4th of April, you will be required to control yourself.” Dr Rowley is hoping that there is no regret in making such decisions.

The prime minister said the best news he heard during the pandemic from Principal Medical Officer Dr Maryam Abdool-Richards which was “our hospitals are in fact far from overflowing with patients.”

He said, “This report we are giving you today is the best report we have given you in two years.”

Dr Rowley beseeched the population to be responsible when conducting activities as the nation opens up in a different phase.

The prime minister said he has spent many nights awake like the doctors and nurses wondering what the pandemic would bring and it was relief that the daily death number has decreased significantly.

He also admitted he was prepared to make the Covid-19 vaccine mandatory especially for young children who will be receiving the paediatric Pfizer vaccine soon.

That proposed policy is no longer in place he announced.

Asked about the entry for unvaccinated foreigners, Dr Rowley responded, “For the moment the unvaccinated foreigners will stay where they are.”

He said, his Government did not want to take any unnecessary risk  in bringing in the virus into the country.

Looking forward to re-opening of school

The prime minister’s greatest pain, he said was not having children in the physical school environment and he will know that T&T was almost out of the pandemic when he sees children going back out to school wearing their school uniform.

Normalcy will not return to 100% until the pandemic was completely over, Dr Rowley said.

“We are approaching normalcy but it will not be normal,” he said.

Dr Rolwey said, “A significant number of our elderly population fell prey” but the “children escaped the worst of it.”

On Monday, Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly is expected to address the nation on the full re-opening of secondary and primary schools from the third term of the academic year.

Grateful to all especially health team

The prime minister gave credit to his Government for the drastic measures taken so that life could be preserved and the spread of the virus did not get worse.

“The preservation of life is something we can take credit for,” he said since essential services were available throughout the pandemic.

Dr Rowley had high praises for all sectors who adjusted and worked assiduously during the pandemic to keep the country running but he had special praises for the health team, the leadership and those who worked tirelessly risking their own lives to save others.

He added that soon Cabinet will be discussing health personnel can be thanked by the population for their diligent efforts in caring for the sick and dying in the country.


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